
Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Well, finally, i have complete my mission to update all the notes in the blog..
But got a feeling that is it useful for us?
We just upload all the things that we learn without have any discussion here. Got a feeling that like less somethings else here.

Since everyone of us is busying with assignment. What we focusing is assignment, what we bothering also is about assignment. What is the purpose to us to have assignment??
We burn night even didn't sleep to complete those assignment. Really killing people!!

Right now, most of the assignment can be said that is 'completed'.
Is time to focus on final lo..

1 comment:

  1. u burn night ? how ?
    u mean burn the midnight oil?

    Sometimes, assignment helps us to think critically ... u need to read a lot and find a lot of materials...

    u got 12,000++ visitors! that's a surprise one!
