
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

FiRsT LecTuRe..

First lecture is introduce to this subject. Actually i not very clear about this chapter. Can said that, totally don't understand what is it. I get a feeling that is subject is somethings that let me have a imagination. Everythings i just can use my imagine to think on it.

Well, what is cyberspace?
Cyberspace is a dynamic realization of electromagnetic energy throungh the application of communication and control technology. What we are using now can define as cyberspace. This is a media to let use can communicate with one another.

Beside that, in this chapter, we also learn on online communication system. There are six type of online communication which are email and discussion list,usenet and BBSs, text chat,MUDs, World Wide Web sites, SNSs.

Email and discussions lists is the oldest and popular function in internet. MSN, ICQ, Skype is the example for this. Email allows the user to send a messages directly to another person while the email discussion lists is a message sent to a group address and then copy and sent to all email address on a list.

Usenet and BBSs (Bulletin Board System) is allows user to create topical groups in which a series of messenges and it is quite similar with email.

Text chat is like SMS. We have a chat room to chat with others user and sharing information or feeling with friends.

MUDs (Multi-User Domains) is a text-based virtual realities that maintain a sense or space that link different ' room' together. For an example, Dota.

World Wide Web sites is a searching tool that allow users to search the information. It support asynchronous and synchronous communications. Asynchronous communication is that user may be receive the information or reply the mail in any time or may be in immediately time while synchronous communication is that communication happen in a real time that means user will receive the reply immediately as the others user must be at there.

SNSs (Social Networking Sites) is a platform that allow user to leave messages on their friend's profile. Example: Facebook.

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